The moon was glistening through the blinds in the living room, as Bobby and I sat down in the comforts of each others presence, reflecting on the moment; happy to be with each other, happy to be holding our bodies close. We huddled together relaxed on the sofa watching CSI. It felt nice to have him back.
At times everything was just so peaceful, no noise and no phones ringing. I hated when his phone always rung, interrupting every moment it could. Its like the caller just wanted to irritate me at every chance and Bobby knew I hated the fact that his phone was so hot, as soon as he put it down it down, it would ring again! Now all I do is just shoot a look in his direction and he knew to cut the conversation short.
Tonight there would be no interruptions, just me and him, our night.
“Baby lets go to the Indian restaurant in Camden and then come home. Then I will run you a nice hot bubble bath and wear something special for you” I whispered seductively.
“Yeah, that sounds good boo. Let’s do that, then come back and enjoy the rest of the night. I’m just not sure that I will be much company, I’ve had such a strenuous day. I had to work out for that role all day today” He said while he was rubbing the back of my hand.
“I know baby, that’s why I’m gonna come home and help you relax, give you a nice massage…” I said running my hands seductively over his strong defined back.
“You, your so much trouble, be careful before you start something up in here, and you end up starving for the rest of the night!” He laughed, stroking my soft thigh, as he teased my lips with his inviting breath.
“Mmmm, how you know that’s not what I want”
He looked deep into my eyes. “Boo, you know I love you so much and I love being with you, I’m just glad that we are back together, and I promise I will be everything you expect me to be”
“Baby I know. I feel the same. You know how much I love you too. I just want everything to be perfect, and we know what we want now” I said trying to reassure him and myself.
I glimpsed the Sky display on the plasma, it was now eight thirty. CSI had finished, so I decided to get up and start getting ready, leaving Bobby on the comfortable sofa in his Arsenal shorts, with his leg raised up flicking through the channels. It didn’t take him long to get dressed, he wasn’t a finicky man. But he always dressed good, always went out to impress just in case he bumped into a film director or a talent scout. Not that it ever happened!
As it was a pleasant mild evening, I decided to put on my black low neck dress with my thick brown buckled belt and my tanned brown Miss Sixty boots. I admired my reflection in the full length mirror, damn Bobby had one fine ass woman. I must admit I looked good tonight, and I wanted to. I wanted to make an extra effort because I wanted this night to be perfect. I didn’t want anything to go wrong tonight, I just wanted to be alone with my baby boo.
We gave our order to the well mannered greasy haired waiter, whilst we sat at the simple dressed table with one red rose and discussed the plans for booking our holiday and the ideas we had for decorating the flat. Although all the decorating ideas were his, I just sat there agreeing, rubbing his soft palm enjoying the fact that I was making decisions with someone else other than myself.
When our piping hot meal came we sat there feeding each other and staring into one another’s eyes, silently declaring our love. He could be so romantic at times, and I loved that so much about him, he would be the perfect husband one day, with a lot of training!
We both sat in the filled restaurant flirting like it was our first date, everything was just perfect and after we would go home and continue this lovely romantic evening just the two of us.
As I finished drinking my white wine, to wash away the taste of the naan bread interrupting my plans right on schedule just as if the bad omen was listening, waiting to spoil the moment Bobby’s phone began to ring…
“Hey what’s going on?” His face changed. “What? Don’t lie, didn’t I tell her about moving with that fool…I told you it would bring nothing but trouble, she don’t know who she is fucking with and now I have to sort this all out, coz that man don’t play, he will shoot her for that shit”
His voice had changed and at that point I knew the night was not going to end how I expected it to, as per usual. I let out a huge sigh and shook my head in disapproval as the candle on the table felt my pain and the flame wittered out.
Although Bobby had his head focused and was doing good for himself now, considering the things he used to get up to back in the day, he was still that bad bowy underneath, he still knew how to hold his own. I must admit this turned me on about him, the fact that he was not some man who pretended he was something he was not. He was a little thuggish and sometimes he still had to resort back to that mentality in order to let people know he hasn’t gone soft in his old age.
“Look, shush man. I’ll sort it out. I’ll phone you back”. He shut his phone off, licking his lips to get ready for the next instalment.
“Don’t even say what I think you’re going to say” I said as I pushed up my face, furiously crossing my arms, rolling my eyes like they were looking for the back of the sockets.
“Baby look, I know your gonna cuss but I have to sort this out before it gets out of hand. Shanny is going to get her head buss, she’s gone and mess with Riddlers money and he don’t play! I have to go down there and chat to him” He said with conviction, his arms describing his irritation.
“That’s not your business Bobby, why do you always get involved in her mix up. I don’t know why you run around with that girl. She’s just involved in so much shit, look at her with her criminal lifestyle and shit, thinking she’s better than others, and you sit and collude with all that rubbish” I started to raise my voice, and Bobby could see that I was becoming aggravated. He reached into his back pocket and took out his LV wallet, raising his hand for the bill.
“Boo calm down. Let’s pay for this and get out of here”
“Yeah let’s get out of here! Why? So that you can run to her defence like a good little puppy. What about us, what about our plans? Now your just gonna leave me!”
By this time the nearby Asian couples started to look in our direction, as I voices began to rise over the Bollywood music playing in the background.
“Boo it’s not like that, I can’t just stand back and let her get fucked up, you don’t understand he will kill her!”
“That’s not YOUR problem, I AM YOUR problem. I am YOUR woman, not her!” I was fuming, forgetting about the other people in the restaurant, as I slammed my stained napkin on the table.
“Don’t start saying your shit now please. I ain’t in the mood”
“Yeah, you’re never in the mood when it comes to supporting me, and being there for me. Thanks, thanks a lot” I stressed, anger clearly visible in my tone, when the waiter reluctantly handed us our bill with two small breath mints on the tray.
Now Shanny was some girl who he claimed he knew from five years ago. Truth was that he went to a weekender with his best mate and met her there. Danny was on her case first and she obviously didn’t like him, but that’s how she got close to Bobby. By speaking to him on a regular basis about the situation and how Danny was phoning her line everyday begging to take her out and buy her things. Bobby couldn’t see it, but I warned him that it was just a way for her to try and get close to him. Then they found out that they knew some of the same people, and that’s where it all started. I know her type, I knew from the first day that I saw her the type of girl that she was. She was a ‘hyped girl’ and was always around loads of drama. Bobby secretly loved this, he liked being around all the hype at times. I was too serene for him, I wasn’t someone who was always around drama. I was just peaceful, looking for someone to build a life with minus the female headache.
Bobby took out enough money on the table to pay for the bill, and leave a generous tip. He placed his hand on his head before taking a deep breath and leading the way out the restaurant door, thanking the weary staff on the way out. As we walked down the cobbled streets, I angrily strutted my heels making as much noise as I could, to emphasise my frustration. He didn’t even try to defuse the situation until we got to his car five minutes later.
He closed his door, which was shortly followed by my hard slam of the passenger door, sending an echo throughout the rest of the vehicle.
“Keish, I’m not going to be long, imma go sort this out and come straight back. You’re carrying on like I don’t come home to you every night”
I turned to face him. “That’s not the point Bobby. This always happens and that bitch knows what she is doing. Oh actually let me retract that coz she doesn’t even know that we are together again does she?” I questioned.
“Ohhh, Keish, stop chatting shit. How could she not know we are living together for Gods sake!”
“Yeah but its not like you told her, just like that other bitch. Why don’t you tell your so-called friends that you have a woman, and that you live with her? Huh Bobby! What is it that you have to lie all the time? Why can’t you tell them?”
“Ohhh your just chatting shit now, listen to yourself. All I’m going to do is sort this mess out and come straight home, to you!”
By this point it was evident that Bobby was going to do what he wanted to do regardless of how I was feeling or how much it would ruin our night. Truth was he loved females needing him, he loved the fact that the women love him, and tonight was going to be another night where I was going to be home alone, sitting in my lonely bed until about three, four o’clock in the morning when he would eventually come strolling in with some cocked up story. I knew this scenario all to well, and until he locked off all those women who he knows are trying to get him, our relationship would remain at this stagnant point.
After he dropped me back home I decided that I was not going to let this get me down. I pulled out a bottle of Pinot Grigio from the wine rack and played one of my old school slow jam CD’s before throwing myself down on the lonely sofa. I was fed up with this shit already. Nothing ever changes!
Here I am on a lively Friday night sitting on my own like a lonely miserable woman, but difference is I have a man! But where is he? With another woman! Yeah he says that he is sorting out her so called beef, which I must add she managed to get herself into, therefore she should get herself out of it or suffer the consequences. Then I thought about it for a while… why should I sit here horny thinking about my man gallivanting. I know exactly what to do to occupy my time….
The sound of a tired voice spoke down the phone “Hey, what you doing calling me so late?”
“Sorry, were you sleeping?” I whispered with a seductive tone.
“Oh hell nah, not really nah! Why what’s up?” I could hear him clearing the sleep from his voice.
“I just needed someone to talk to. How you been?”
“I’ve been okay, just missing you really. What you got on?”
Yes this is what I’m talking about, I didn’t even need to initiate anything, Clayton could read my mind and he knew exactly what this call was about! “Nothing much, just some little black French knickers and a tight little vest. “Why what you got on?”
“Damn I can just picture you now, with your long sexy legs and that firm ass of yours, and those big juicy nipples”
I could hear the desperation in his voice, he wanted me and he wanted me bad. I knew I shouldn’t be doing this, especially with Clayton, but I needed to feel special tonight, I needed to feel like I was the only one that mattered, and Clayton knew how to execute this with precision, even over the phone.
Come on I’m not doing anything wrong, and in theory I’m not doing anything that Bobby hasn’t already done or hasn’t done of a similar nature. I needed to get mine and mine was on the other end of this telephone tonight, and if phone sex was the only way which I could achieve this, then phone sex it would have to be…
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