Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Chapter Seven- Leyah

It was almost eleven o’clock and I was ready and waiting, pacing up and down my living room peering through my wooden blinds, out into the dull street with over grown hedges. I looked on watching my neighbour Paul effortlessly wash his Ford Escort with his tanned hands, taking so much pride in his modified car as he rubbed off the daily dirt.
I looked up into the sky, feeling a little guilty that I couldn’t even tell mum that I was going out with that bastard Reese today. Damn, she would come straight down here and give him a peace of her mind, like she did every occasion she could. The man repulsed her, and I can’t blame her. He hurt her daughter, and my poor mother had to help me to get over him. For weeks I would not eat, all I would do is lay in my bed crying, pregnant with his child, asking God why me!

Reality struck me as I watched Mrs Henry’s fifteen year old grand-daughter, strutting down the road with her aluminous skirt, matching leg warmers and white vest. What was I actually thinking! How could I even think about going out in public on a family outing with this fool? He better not get used to this, because this is the first and the last. I walked back over from the book shelf, I can’t let this man take control over my life again!
I stopped and looked out the window as I noticed Reese’s sparkling Black Jeep pull up outside, the rays of the sun reflecting off his flawless bodywork. I grabbed my short denim jacket off the banister as I rushed out into the hall checking myself in the handcrafted mirror and re-spraying my Marc Jacobs perfume before taking my time to stroll out the door, acting like I was not sitting by the window waiting.
As the light breeze touched my skin like a piece of soft wool, my anger faded away and introduced me to an optimistic mood. The weather had actually kept to its promise and remained sweltering, the sun appearing through the perfect white clouds in the clear blue sky. Asia was sitting in her safety seat in the back, wearing a Baby Phat dress in her favourite colour pink. She waved her little palm frantically through the window, surprised that her mother was actually coming out with the two of them.
I opened the heavy passenger door, and entered onto the cream leather seat. “Hey, you’re on time” I said stunned, then I turned and directed the rest of the conversation at my beautiful princess, sitting with hair in two white bobbles, which was one of the only styles Reese could perfect. “Baby girl, did you miss mummy?’ She responded giving me a shy smile, and exposing her pearly whites.
“Leah, I’m always on time babes, you know me!” He said offended, as he easeed the gear into drive.
“Humm don’t I just! So what did you tell her and what did she say?” Reese coughed nervously, which meant that he was about to make up a story. “And don’t lie to me. You didn’t tell her did you?”
“Well, I told her and she was like… she doesn’t know why you should come. So I explained to her why I wanted you to come, for Asia’s sake, and then we had a big disagreement… and then she told me not to come home if I go today!”
“Look I don’t want to be causing any problems between you and her, you’re the one who has to go home to that afterwards and you ain’t sleeping on my sofa tonight” I said firmly, watching him grip the steering wheel tighter.
“Did I ask if I could? Please she can’t keep me out of my own house if she wanted to! It’s sorted anyways. Like I tell her all the time, my baby girl comes first!”
“Hmmm, so when you two having kids, so that she can say the same crap to you. Then what would you do then. Forget about your baby girl?”
“Don’t be silly. Look can we just forget it and concentrate on our day” He stressed, looking into his side mirrors before turning onto the open duel carriageway.
“Well like I said to you before, I don’t want any more drama on my door!”
“Don’t worry bout it Leyah. Forget all that. We are going to have fun today, aren’t we Princess?”
“Yeah daddy”
The roads were only plagued with a few cars on this wonderful day, which was a surprise. Maybe everyone had set off earlier to head to the popular destination of Brighton. Luckily the journey was not too far from my house, meaning that I did not have to tolerate sharing a confined space with this bastard. We sat in silence most of the way listening to some old school R&B, as I looked out the window watching the cars fall behind us on the motorway as Reese clocked 120 miles per hour in the fast lane. The drive was awkward, but we occasionally engaged in some small talk to make the journey seem quicker.

I watched the horizon as the sea got closer, and the smell of fresh salt water and seaweed hit my senses. We had finally reached Brighton, and it was only twelve o’clock. The streets were packed with people trying to enjoy the sporadic weather. Amazingly Asia was actually awake, taking in her surroundings excitedly.
As we neared the sea front, Reese drove around looking for a parking space amongst the packed streets. Eventually he spotted a green people carrier exit a spot, leaving it open for him to steal before anyone else spotted it. I climbed out and stretched my limbs, as Reese went and assisted Asia. Thankfully we were parked a short distance away, mentally remembering where were had parked Reese lad the way towards the Aquarium, Asia skipping along quickly trying to keep her fathers pace.
As we walked passing the happy people skating along the pavement, and the children eating they’re ice-creams, Reese could not let the silence be blissful.
“Look Leyah thanks for coming with us, it means a lot”
“Like I said before, I’m not doing it for you I’m doing it for our daughter. Did you even bring a camera?” I said in a sarcastic manor, shaking my head.
“What do I look like? Look I know your only doing what’s best, that’s what I love about you. You just…”
I stopped in my tracks. “Okay, stop right there! Don’t be reminiscing about things, lets just do this get it over and done with. So we can both go back to our normal lives, okay!”
“Okay, sometimes I just would like to talk to you about how things are going, you know. We can at least maintain a friendship so to speak”
“Reese, why are you chatting BS. What is it that you want to find out? Just be open. We don’t need a friendship, we have a daughter together and we only interact because of her, or else I would not be talking to your lying, cheating, scandaless ass no way!”
“Leyah, I’m sorry yeah. I’m sorry for what I did to you in the past. I’m sorry for being a bastard to you, I admit I got caught up and did not realise the implications of my actions. I regret it like I have told you over and over again. I just want us to move on from that!”
“What do you mean move on? Move on and do what? I’m here with you now, this is moving on. We have to do what we have to do. You say sorry like it’s your middle name. I just can’t believe you at times!”
“Leah Leah, I’m sorry” Reese said sympathetically, as we regained our pace to Asia who had ran ahead.
I ignored him, rolling my eyes as we reached the entrance of the aquarium. Reese handed the young brunette cashier the tickets, with Asia holding onto his hands jumping up and down excitedly.
I must admit, Reese seemed more genuine today than he has in a long time. I wonder if everything is okay between him and his fiancée. I wonder what he is up to. Look how he has got me, always thinking like a paranoid fool!

We walked around the aquarium looking at the beautiful sea life. Asia was so excited and was enjoying every moment of it. Reese was taking loads of pictures and got a few passers-by to take some of all three of us like he intended. As we reached to the gift shop we purchased a few souvenirs and Asia sat and got her face painted like her favourite Disney character Nemo. I must admit it was fun, as I watched Asia’s little face light up when she saw he reflection in the mirror and the smile on Reese’s face.

After we exited our tour of the aquarium we decided to walk along the busy Pier to get something to eat. Passing one of the amusement stands Reese could not resist trying to win a teddy bear.
“Look I bet I can win my princess one of those teddy’s. Which one do you want baby?”
“Errm, the pink one daddy”
“Reese you can’t win one of them, come lets go in case you make a fool of yourself” I laughed.
“Please! Don’t insult me, watch and learn darling!”
Reese began to frantically try throwing the plastic rings on the bottles for twenty minutes and must have spent about fifty pounds doing so, until he finally managed to get three rings on the bottles. Well the man let him off on one of the rings for trying so hard and gave him a prize for the share determination. People looked on bemused at my hysterics.
“Well! Well done. You actually won a prize”
“Shush you. I told you I would do it, and I wasn’t leaving until I fulfilled my promise”
“Please, it wouldn’t have been the first time you didn’t fulfil your promises” I always had to get a dig at him anyway I could. He just looked at me and didn’t even bother to answer that one.
We continued to walk, stopping to buy some ice lollies before arriving at the rides. I stood enjoying my cherry brandy lolly while Reese took Asia on a few of the children’s rides. Her little face looked like she was bursting with so much fun, I looked on admiring her happiness and innocence. Deciding to be a part of it, we all went on the teacup and saucers and the merry-go-round. We were laughing and joking together like there was no tension between us, like we were the perfect family. Damn let me come back to reality, this is what that bastard wanted, for me to think about the good times we could have so that he could sneak back into my heart like a serpent in the grass and sting me full on! I am not going to let him do that to me again!

The sun was beginning to descend, it was getting late so we decided to start walking back to the car, Asia was tired and I was happy that she had such fun. I could tell that she was pleased having both her parents together, enjoying themselves. She had this constant grin on her face, her little dimples prominent on her small cheeks that favoured her fathers too much.

On the drive home Reese started talking about the old days and the fun which we used to have. I had to remind him that he was doing the same things with his woman, and that what we did actually meant nothing! But I have to admit we did have some fun, I actually never experienced so much fun in all the past relationships I had been in. Even though our time was all a huge lie. I was happy until the day I found out about him and Shantel!
“Leyah, you look distracted”
“Nah I’m fine” I muttered turning from the window to answer him. I didn’t want him to have the pleasure of knowing that I was reminiscing on the good times we used to have.
“Well, thanks for coming today. You know it meant a lot to Asia and me”
“I didn’t do it for you Reese. I did it for my little girl, she is all that matters in this relationship”
“Oh… so we have a relationship now then!” Reese said trying to wind me up.
“Shut up Reese, you wish” I sort of sniggered.
“In deed I do” He laughed. “I know that it was hard for you to come out today, but we have had mad fun babes. I hope that we can do this again… I mean Asia would like it.”
“Reese, stop! You know this was a one off and I don’t think your fiancée would like to know that you are associating with me, not that I would anyway!”
Reese let out a sly laugh “That’s what I love about you, you’re so head strong and feisty at times!”
“Humm, and your woman doesn’t know how to stick up for herself, coz if I was the one in her shoes I would off buss your head a long time ago and you would of felt my raft big time!”
“Damn, I’m glad your not then” He laughed again “Leyah, you look very nice today, if you don’t mind me saying”
I turned my face and blushed, fact was I knew I did, and yes I spent a lot of time thinking bout what I was going to put on today, shit I had to look good, because I knew he would be watching me and Reese is the type of man who cannot let a good compliment miss his lips. My tight light denim jeans, which made my backside look so round and peachy did me justice today. I liked that fact that Reese noticed me and was still sexually attracted to me, he made it so obvious at times being unable to control his stare. It made me feel good, and to be honest I also enjoyed flirting with him, because I know he regrets the fact that I didn’t stay after finding out about Shantel, but hey he has to live with the fact that he missed out on a good thang!

Reese turned the powerful jeep into my road, pulling up outside my door and parking up. He put his gear in park, pulled up the handbrake and turned off the engine as the stars glistened outside in the night sky.
“Leyah, I’m going to carry Asia in the house, she’s sleeping and I don’t want you to struggle with her”
“Reese shut up” I laughed. “Look, your delaying going home, so don’t play dumb. I know your tricks now; you were driving at thirty miles per hour all the way back.”
“Okay, so I am. Can you at least let a man keep his pride! Is it okay if I come in for a bit?”
“I suppose that’s the least I can do, even though I don’t need to feel obliged to do anything, but come on then” I unlocked my door and climbed out into the night.
Reese carried Asia upstairs and put her in her bed, it was 8.45pm. We had been out all day. I didn’t intend to stay out so long. I took hung up my jacket exposing my goose pimpled arms, as Reese came bouncing down the stairs like he lived here.
“Can I get a cup of coffee please, all that driving has made me tired” He stated as we both entered into the tidy kitchen. He sat himself down on the small dinning table, playing with the place mat.
“Hummm, you better not fall asleep, because you know that woman will be at my doorstep” I spun around suspiciously. “Wait a minute how comes I haven’t heard your phone ring once, she normally blows off your phone”
“I turned off my phone, because today was our day” He said trying to convince me that it was okay, avoiding any eye contact.
“Are you mad! I’m not surprised she isn’t waiting outside the door. Look have this coffee and then go straight home, its late she must be having kittens. You must have about thirty messages on your phone. Why would you do that?”
“Look Leyah, I just wanted some time to myself just put her behind me for a while you know. Clear my head…” He confessed, looking tensed before I cut him off.
“Clear you head for what? You don’t need to clear your head. You know EXACTLY what you are doing. Next time you want to clear your head, please do not involve me!” I demanded.
“Don’t worry bout it, its nothing. She knows the score and it’s not like we are going to end up sleeping together anyway” He said with slight suggestion. Watching me intensively, hoping that I would take the bait.
“That’s not the point, from when she gets that in her head, its just headache. Look call her and tell her your elsewhere”
“Leyah, are you asking me to lie?” He said comically. I had to laugh at the fact that I was actually asking him to. I was colluding with the gutter rat.
“NO, I’m not, I’m just saying tell her that you’re somewhere and go THERE!”
“Don’t worry I’m off in a bit. I won’t get you involved in my dramas anymore. I know that you have put up with a lot from me, and I do not want to get you involved for nothing. You’re a good woman and I don’t want to hurt you anymore”
Now I knew this emotional blackmail of his all too well. I would feel sorry for him and let him get his way. But not this time, he had to go!
He sipped on his coffee, as I looked on in anticipation hoping that he would just hurry up and get out. “Reese just go now and save the argument”
“Okay Leyah, I respect your wishes, thanks for the nice day” Putting his mug down on the counter, He retreated and walked towards the front door, walking with his head down like a sick pup. “I’ll call you… bye”
He shut the door behind him without a fuss or dispute, which surprised me. Normally he would protest against my wishes. I wonder what the deal really is with him and Shantel at the moment. Why does he not want to go home just yet? I mean he has work in the morning and given the circumstances he should be running home. Oh well that’s not my problem, he made his bed, now he has to lie in it.

1 comment:

  1. 9/10

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