Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Chapter One- Janet

It happened again! Oh my gosh what was wrong with me? How does some one have that power over you, without even being close to you! Especially when you haven’t seen them in the past three years! He looked so delicious walking towards the entrance of Selfridges department store, dressed in a black pinstripe suit with a pink shirt, complimented with a black tie, and black Paul Smith loafers. His leather man bag by his side. Strutting his sexy body delicately to the rhythm of the summer wind. My heart pounded in my chest at the sight of him and the brief moment we had shared five years ago came flooding back to me….

We had known each other for two years whilst at college, and had formed this close friendship from the start, which made us the best of friends. Every moment after lectures we were together; in the social room, watching our college team play basketball or just chilling in the greesy cafeteria. Our daily routine always started with each other, waiting for the same morning train and consistently being at each others houses. His house practically became my second home, his mother, my mother! Then suddenly it all came to halt after our stretch at college ended. Marcus made the decision to attend Brunel University to study Law and I had gone to Coventry. It was devastating at first, because he was like my right arm, we would talk on the phone every night, talking about every and anything. But being at university we had to get used to the distance and the substitution of talking on the phone, instead of the freedom of popping round one another’s house when needed.
Uni life changed us, and eventually the calls withered away. It soon became a bonus to speak to him once every few months. I didn’t hold it against him, because I knew the pressures we were both under and the expectations we had to fulfil. But then that night finally came when we could not contain our feelings anymore. The passion took over and our lust got the better of us!

We had met up at a charity dinner for the Black and Aware foundation, which was a huge business event for Ethnic minority business owners and inspiring entrepreneurs. The annual event was held in the Britannia Hotel, near Manchester City Centre, it was a beautiful hotel, definitely fit for purpose.
I was sitting with some friends, which I had known from work and previous networking events, discussing recent political events, drinking champagne, and adoring the music which the DJ was playing. We sat and watched the couples and groups of people in the middle of the dance floor, admiring them move their bodies in time with the music. There was this one couple, who must have been in their late fifties, really having a go on the floor, showing the younger couples how to move to the jazz music precisely. The atmosphere was so calming; it was nice to see so many successful and inspiring black people and happy couples of all ages, socialising together, enjoying the music and splendour of the venue.
My eyes were lit with delight as I looked across the room, eagerly scanning the rest of the guest, admiring the way which they were all dressed up in ballroom gowns and the men looking all refined in their tuxedos exploiting different colours, and varieties of accessories. My heart sank, as a realised I was subconsciously looking for one body in particular. No longer being discrete I turned my body to the left, trying to look in-between the masses of silhouettes dancing on the dance floor. Then suddenly through the array of colours from the gowns in the large banqueting hall I felt a pair of eyes looking in my direction.
He had noticed me first, and was watching me attentively. As our eyes locked he smiled and proceeded to rise up from the table he was sitting at with four other people. He walked across the hall cruising over towards me slowly, trying not to look eager, but his expressions told me otherwise. I knew he was happy to see me. I could tell by the way his mouth was formed, desperately trying to contain his excitement. We had not seen each other for ages. I admired him walking towards me wearing a perfectly fitted black tuxedo with a silk gold cummerbund, as his round cufflinks reflected at me with every strode he took.
I took a deep breath as he finally reached my table, frantically rubbing my sweaty palms on the tablecloth I rose to meet him as he leaned forward and gave me a big tight embrace, the kind of hug where your body melts and you don’t want to let go, you lose all perception of your surroundings and fall into a fairytale! At that moment I realised that I missed him so much. Slowly he released me from his incredibly tight grip, smiling we sat down and caught up on the latest developments in each others lives, taking it in turns to lead the conversation, disclosing enough information about our recent experiences for us to enquire more at a later stage.
After talking for about an hour, with numerous interruptions Marcus suggested that it was time we got up and enjoyed the music, instead of warming the seats. It was ceratinly true; I had not paid an arm and a leg for my immaculate hair and two hundred and fifty pounds to sit down in my silver low-cut ball gown. Standing up, pleased at his suggestion I took Marcus up on his offer, and I am glad that I did.
We danced so close that we merged like two butterflies dancing in the summer breeze; our bodies pulsating with sweat. No matter what song played, we danced. We danced until our feet hurt, it was like we were afraid to let each other out of our grip, as though we would fall into an abyss and never feel each other again.
The best thing about the night was that we both had reservations at the hotel, meaning that we could dance until the end.
The older crowd had begun to disperse, some resigning to their seats, and a few had retired to their rooms. It was mainly the young couples remaining on the dance floor, enjoying the moments, surrounded by the warm glow of the dimmed lights, and astounding white décor, which made you feel like a princess. It was perfect.
I closed my eyes and fully inhaled the way which Marcus’s body moved, it was so sensual, I could feel his every muscle against the most sensitive parts of my slim structure. He was so seductive without even knowing it. Damn, we were two young professionals here for a business event, and here I was feeling like we were the only two people in the room. I pondered on the thought of him feeling the same way I was. But why would he? We had been best friends back in college and we hadn’t seen each other in three years, why would he feel the way my body was reacting to him now? Maybe it’s the several glasses of champagne talking, or maybe it is my inner-self coming out! Whatever it was it was driving me crazy!
“You feel so soft” Marcus whispered into my ear while he ran his soft hands against my back.
“I can’t believe the turn out, it is nice to be here” What was I mumbling! I wanted to tell him that he was making my body hot all over and was causing fluctuations between my legs.
“Yeah. It is a nice venue, and they actually hired a decent DJ. Janet are you ok? Beacuse you seem a bit distracted?”
“I’m fine Marcus, honestly. I just haven’t drank like this for ages or even danced like this for a long, long time”
“Yeah, not since that time you had a date with that producer guy!” He slyly laughed
Yeah he knew everything about my past relationships or brief encounters, he was practically my diary throughout college. In a way it was a good thing. There was nothing to hide; we already knew everything we had both done. We knew each other inside out. I pushed him playfully away “Trust you to remember that Marcus!”
“Oh I don’t forget anything babe… You know, you look really beautiful tonight”
“Thanks, so do you. I must admit you scrubbed up well!” I joked. Finally he had noticed. I had especially searched for this gown for weeks, making sure that it hugged in all the right places, strictly because I knew Marcus would be here alone. We had spoke about coming here last month during one of our irregular brief conversations, and he had informed me that he normally would bring one of his ‘admirers’ but he wanted to catch up and spend time with me, rather than accommodate some woman tonight, who was trying to win over his affection with the hope of securing the key to exclusivity.
After the song At your best by Aaliyah had stopped playing, the DJ changed the genre and put on some revival.
“Hey, you ready to leave; you look like you are going to fall over”
“Yeah, I take it your tired as well! It’s almost three o’clock and my feet are starting to burn me”
“Exactly, let’s just slip away” He whispered holding me by the waist like a delicate flower. That was fine with me.

We slipped out the banquet hall and past a young dark skinned man in a grey tuxedo, talking to one of the daughters of the organisers. Holding on to the intention of trying to get a telephone number or the number of her hotel room she was staying in. Marcus and I laughed as we walked up the stairwell towards the elevator, remembering the days when that would have been him. The doors to the lift opened and we staggered inside, pressing the button for the third floor. Wall to floor mirrors surrounded the inside of the elevator, and I caught the gaze of my reflection. Damn, my eyes looked tired, but more importantly I never noticed how perfect Marcus was even from behind. The length of his back was astonishing; it complemented his long neck and wide manly shoulders. The tux, was definitely a good look on him! I exhaled.
The elevator doors opened as we reached the third floor, stepping out I lead the way. We had to walk through the long corridor, passing numerous pieces of antique oak furniture and various original art pictures by artists which I had never heard of. I stopped at my door, room 345. Oh my gosh I really needed to take off these heels. I could hardly stand up.
“Jay, where’s your key?”
I reached into my purse and took out the key card. Fumbling with the security door for the green light to come on, I was becoming impatient. Eventually after three attempts it finally opened. A relieved Marcus held it open, while I entered.
My hotel room was small but had a warm cozy atmosphere. There was a double bed in the middle of the room, the side table with the TV above, and all the commodities surrounding. The un-suite bathroom was to the front of the room near the door. Luckily I had left some scented candles burning in the room as it helps me to relax, and I must admit it also helped to set the mood…
“Right, let me make you some coffee, you don’t want to have a pulsating headache in the morning, you know what your like”
Oh, I loved the way he took charge. My mind suddenly pondered of what he was like in-between the sheets. I could just imagine, by the way he moved his mocha chocolate extra toned body, I would expect him to have mad skills, especially as all the women he had been with did not want to let him go so easily.
Marcus stood across the bed, beside the dresser where the small kettle and complimentary refreshments were situated, waiting for the kettle to boil.
As soon as it did, he poured the water into the two mugs and turned to sit down beside me. He grinned as he handed me my coffee, and sat sipping his drink.
I was feeling so horny right now; Marcus’s body had done things to me during that dance that I haven’t felt for over a year. The way he had held me told me that I was having the same effect on him. But hey, where friends and that’s how it would remain.
“Jay, you know something?” He looked delicious as he sat and turned towards me to talk, focus!
“What’s up?”
“I’m glad that…. you had a nice time tonight. I haven’t seen you for so long, and you still look the same. You know, all that work you been doing lately. You haven’t had time to relax and enjoy yourself”
“I know, it’s been hectic recently...” Before I could finish my sentence he cut in
“You look really beautiful tonight. I enjoyed dancing with you. We haven’t really danced together like ‘that’ before. I mean it was nice”
“Marcus, you dance like that ‘all’ the time with your girlfriends”
“Hey, don’t hate! But nah, it was never like ‘that’…your body…” He took his cue and lent closer, touching my chin, then he slowly pressed his smooth lips against mine. Ohhh, he felt so good. I had to respond the only way I knew how to, the way my body wanted me to, I was melting with pure desire. I grabbed him closer as our tongues danced together. I could feel his warm soft hands gliding up my back. The sensation made me grip the back of his neck forcing him even closer. He guided me gently down onto my back as I gazed into his soul watching the passion racing in his dreamy light brown eyes. Right then I knew he wanted me as much as I wanted him!
He took his hands and slowly slid my dress up, kissing and stroking my thighs until he reached the middle. He entered so carefully with his tongue, exploring places, which I had forgot existed. My body tingled as he caressed my erogenous zones, my body responding like it had never been touched before! I was wet all over. I could not fight the feeling any longer and my body gave in.
After my body exploded, he continued to kiss his way further up and he then completely removed my dress. I wanted him now; I wanted to feel him inside of me, deep inside of me. Marcus continued with what he had started, tasting and kissing me all over my body, slowly but passionately. I held his back so tight; I could feel his blood racing.
“Take me” I whispered into his ear.
Marcus reached inside his trouser pocket and took out a condom from his wallet, and slowly took off the rest of his clothes, seducing me with his every movement. My breath sped up anticipating his silhouette, waiting for him to be ready for me. Once he had it on, I could see the full size of his manhood! Wow, what an impressive package it was. He climbed on top of me slowly, damn I was going to explode again, and he hasn’t even put it inside of me yet. I can’t believe I am feeling like this. Finally he entered deep inside my love nest, our bodies intertwined like two locks of hair. Damn he felt so good. “ooooohh”, he slides deeper and deeper. Sweat was dripping down our bodies but neither one of us was ready to climax, we were both trying to hold back the intense feeling of releasing the passion which we had been holding inside for a lifetime, It feels too good to stop. I move in and kiss his small but erected nipples, as he moans out with pleasure. His hands caressed my body as if I was a smooth lace of the finest silk. We continued to make love between the sheets, it was so perfect, it felt so right, in the heat of the moment we sweated, changed positions, holding each other firmly. “Oohh Marcus” I whispered.
“Ahhhhh Janet, you feel so right”
We exchanged kisses on each others neck; he held my firm breast, whilst I got lost in ecstasy. I grabbed his defined buttocks and commanded him to thrust deeper, “right there marrrrc” I couldn’t get the rest of the word out. It was a feeling I had yearned for, and craved for what seemed an eternity. The passion continued until I was no longer in control of my sexual emotions. I began to tremble, I moaned out loudly and held him tighter, sinking my nails into his back. I knew he could feel my emotions releasing. The feeling of complete and total euphoria was overpowering. I don’t know how, but Marcus sensed what my body was going through. At the same time I felt him shudder, “oooohhh” he growled, grasping my hands, squeezing tightly, we climaxed together.
We lay on the ruffled bedding in silence for the next twenty minutes waiting to catch our breath, and come back to our senses. He continued to be affectionate by softly playing with my hair, and stroking my arms until reality struck me…I suddenly rose up untangling our locked bodies.
“Don’t say a word!”
“But Jay…”
“Look, I’m sorry, the drink got the better of me. I didn’t mean to…”
“Jay, I enjoyed every moment of it. Don’t apologise”
“But Marcus, we shouldn’t of.”
“But we did! You wanted it and I know I sure wanted it… what are you saying?”
“I'm saying… we shouldn’t have done this” He looked on at me, confused.
“Do you want me to go?”
I sighed “Yeah, I think I think it’s best”
What was wrong with me! Marcus eased his body out of the bed and searched for his clothes, which were lying all over the room. Once he found them he quickly put them on, composed himself, and walked towards the door. He paused for a brief moment, like he was trying to find something appropriate to say, but he decided against it and continued to open the door before walking out closing it behind him. Without looking back, he was gone.
Why did I let him walk out of the door? Truth was I enjoyed it all too, I longed to hold him that close and feel him inside of me like that for years, and now the moment had finally arrived and I practically kicked him out. Why did I do that?
I was scared, I didn’t want to spoil the friendship we had recently rekindled, and I could not handle the aftermath, or the possibility that we will never be the same again.

Now here he was walking across Oxford Street. We hadn’t spoke a word of the night afterwards and our friendship grew further and further apart. Marcus got a promotion and moved to Luton to work at another branch with his law firm Braxton and Co, and we never had enough time to call due to my busy schedule as well as his. I was confused, I had no idea that he was back in London. The sight of him made my heart flutter like a schoolgirl. I wanted to go over to him and say hello. The last time he phoned it was a quick hello to make sure I was okay and that was it.
Now there he was in the flesh, and looking as good as I could remember, or maybe even better. He had a fresh haircut, with his goatee beard and moustache perfectly joined together. His Mocha chocolate skin shining like the glow of a radiant fire. My gosh! What am I doing looking at his every perfection!
If only I could pluck up the courage to go over and say ‘Hi’. I’m sure he wouldn’t ignore me. But my feet would not move, I had frozen at the sight of him. He had that power over me, he was my kryptonite and he had made me as weak as I could ever be. No one else has ever had that effect on me to this day.
He was now out of vision as he entered the huge doors to Selfridges, and became lost within the crowd. I can now breathe again…
I dived into my purse franticly looking for my phone, dismissing the fact that I was blocking other peoples walk way, as they angrily brushed past me. I just have to phone Leyah and tell her Marcus was back in London.


  1. WOW girl! Passionate or what.
    Fantastic Cass, very discriptive - I was well engrossed.
    I will be reading ALL chapters and will listen out for any prospective connections.

  2. Yeh girl, that done it for me. Im not a lover of reading but that was brilliant.

    Great stuff i will be reading the rest, babes dont ever give up, were in the money. lol.

    Bye PC.

  3. bangin gurl
    u kno how to string a story 2getha no doubt
    got a sistah hooked from da go
