You know there is this period in your life that most women go through, where they meet the most perfect man. He is everything you have ever dreamed, he is hansom, sexy, stylish, sweet, and charming, your family loves him, he is attentive to your every need, he knows how to maintain a smile on your face and keep you feeling all warm inside. He is the perfect fit to you, and you look like a Hollywood couple together, he challenges you physically and mentally. Someone who finishes your sentences for you, without being intimidating, that special someone who makes your body tingle without even touching you, strictly on the basis of reminiscence. Every time you think about that person you can’t help but to smile, because he will never make you cry. The last person who you think about before you go to bed, and the first person who crosses your mind as soon as you wake. That special someone who is real, but sounds like a fairy tale. We all know that someone, we’ve had one or know someone who has experienced one.
Yeah, it’s a damn good feeling, and you hoped it would last forever, only problem is that he has a woman, and he is not yours, but you have developed such a bond that you cant help but think about what life would be like with him for the rest of your life. Come on he ticks all the boxes, it’s just that you did not meet him first and it hurts to even think about all the good loving he is giving his girl. Your heart aches at the thought of someone else holding your property, but he is not. He is not ‘officially’ yours, but in your own perfect, ideal world he would be.
Life can be strange at times, and you will meet someone who appears to be your soul mate, only to find that he has eloped with another.
That was Reese and me. He was everything I ever desired, everything I had pictured as a teen, you know at that age when you start planning how you want your life to be, and how your husband will be, your family. Only thing was that the penny dropped and hit the floor. Reality struck, and although I know he had strong feelings for me, his loyalties were already set. He was with her, she had scooped him up and locked him down. Fortunate for me to some extent the chain was not fully locked and I was able to slip in. Unaware of his situation of course, but in a way I don’t regret any of the moments we shared, even though it was all mainly based on a lie, a mirage, a piece of science fiction. I loved him, it’s just that the Bastard got me pregnant before I woke up and opened my eyes to what was beyond my belief.
I remember one particular time, where the moment was too perfect to be true. We were in hot and sunny Barbados, enjoying this lovely hotel we stayed at called ‘Sandbeach Castle’. Everything was like a fantasy, our hotel room was filled with flowers and candles, Reese had really gone all out for this trip. He paid for everything, and the surprises kept on coming.
One evening I returned from the hotel shopping mall, and I had just bought the sexiest two-piece swimsuit ever, it was white with gold trimmings and a gold belt along the top of the bikini knickers. It was so stunning; I could not leave it on the shelf! When I opened the door to our hotel room all I could hear is the soft sound of R. Kelly’s- ‘Seems like your ready’. Wow. Then I saw this tall, slender shadow in-between the smoke left by the candles walk towards me. He was wearing nothing but a white towel wrapped around his waist, holding a flute of champagne in his left hand.
He slowly walked up to me and took the bag out of my hand, handed me the flute, then delicately kissed my forehead and without saying a word he ushered me into the bathroom. Once we entered the huge room he looked deep into my eyes and then proceeded to bend down gliding his hands down my legs before slipping off my sandals. He rose up and kissed my lips so seductively, at that point I had to say something or attempt to say something….
“Baby, what’s this all about?”
He silenced me and run his hands up my thighs to my waist and then up to my warm breast, he took of my chiffon lilac dress, I just stood there marvelling in all the control he was taking. I could view the bubbles rising in the luxurious hot tub at the back of the bathroom, surrounded with white candles, and rose petals floating in the large tub.
I was standing there in just my Victoria secrets.
He looked me up and down and my body just melted… before I knew it my underwear was off and he walked me towards the bath directing my feet in slowly, before taking off his towel and tossing it to the ground. We were both consumed by the atmosphere, the soft feel of the bubbles and rose petals. It was so romantic. We didn’t need to say anything, the music said it all. We just lay there; while he stroked my hair and caressed my body for about an hour.
My head was totally consumed by him, he was all I could think about and vision, everything at that moment was perfect. There was nothing to worry about, nothing to consider. But that of course did not last for long!
Reese is a good man, just in a situation. I suppose it happens to the best of us, meaning me. It is easy to fall in love with two people I guess, I mean one may have qualities which the other lacks, one may caress you better than the other, they may stimulate every sense in your body, your mind, heart, every emotion left untouched. So I guess it’s not an easy situation to be in, and it is not one which is planned. You don’t ‘really’ plan who you fall in love with, it just happens most times, you lose total control of yourself and become consumed by the loving and tenderness that person gives. It may not be down to looks, desirable features, wealth or even sex. Sometimes the person just steals your heart and that’s it! I can say that was it for me, I was blind to everything else, I just wanted him, I wanted everything about him to be with me forever, but there is no such thing as forever is there?
ReplyDeleteLove it :o) shame about the wait between chapters