Hi everyone,
Thank you for reading and supporting my dreams.
Im glad to annononce that my book is officially on sale now for £9.99 at www.authorhouse.co.uk/Bookstore/ItemDetail.aspx?bookid=68055
You will also be able to purchase a copy at Amazon, Waterstones and all good bookstores in due course.
Thanks once again for the love.
The official launch party will be happening soon, were you will able to get your copies signed.
CONGRTAULATIONS! I know this may sound stupid, but does this mean no more chapters on here..?lol
ReplyDeleteLOL! Sorry no more chapters. But I may put little snippets up!
ReplyDeleteI do erge you to please support me as an independent author though. It is not easy out here.
I hope you have enjoyed reading the chapters that have been posted.
I thoroughly enjoyed 'If loving you was easy', it grabbed my attention all the way through and I didnt want to put it down EVER. The characters felt like similar people I knew or even myself at times so it was a great read as some parts I felt I could relate to. I am really hoping that there will be a follow-up to this pretty shortly. Well done Cassie, keep up the good work!
ReplyDelete@undacovamotha IfLovingYouWasEasy by @CassieMPorter was an exceptional first novel for this creative writer. The sequel is sure to be even better! I gotta get used to your lingo. Your book was an interesting read to say the least.
ReplyDeleteIf Loving You Was Easy
ReplyDeleteThis is a very descriptive and well written Novel. It manages to capture your attention from the very start and give you the need to want to know more.
Words are placed in a way which you feel you are there, down to the detail and emphasis of certain emotions captured by the choice of words used. It was interesting reading these relationship scenarios from a totally female perspective. Not only that, but three different types of women. Many things I could still relate to, even as a guy. The characters being not too different from females that I know. Some of the book was even quite insightful, and just as any good story, having a couple of unexpected twists near the end.
My critisms for the book from a male point of view is that I felt in some of the chapters when describing guys that these female characters were too descriptive. A matter of too much information. Another critism is that it seemed a bit too 'glossy'. Meaning that, it seemed all these characters were good looking, had nice cars, good jobs and were doing really well for themselves outside of their relationships. I was hoping that the book would take me to a dark place, which wasn't all pretty and make me feel some empathy or dislike for a particular character. The book on the other hand is humorous in parts and a very enjoyable read. If you enjoy reading, I would advse you to get a copy whether male or female.
Bobby Steals