Monday, 7 December 2009

Chapter Fifteen- Keshia

This was all pretence. Here we were sitting around the large expensive marble dinning table having dinner with his family. Pretending we were happily in love. Yes I do love him, I love him with all my heart but I’m just not sure that I can trust him anymore. I mean once the trust has gone it’s so hard to get it back. I want to get it back, but I don’t know if I can. Things have changed. He has changed, I have changed and after last week’s fiasco with that bitch Shanny I'm not sure if I can fight this fight anymore. But for now I’m just going to pretend that everything is okay with my pretend smile. Bobby has been trying to come straight home everyday this week and I must admit he has started to make more effort but it is not enough. I’m just worried that it may be a little too late.

We were all sat finishing off the raspberry tart with ice cream, listening to Bobby’s mother talking about the family and the recent family scandals. She was making me laugh, because she was a hard core Christian but she could cuss. She could not tame her tongue and told it how it was. Through his mothers gossiping I had learned that Bobby had this cousin who did not know who her son’s father was. Now that was the talk of the year! Bobby’s mum did not stop with that subject for about six months straight. It was frowned upon in his family, and rightfully so. She was a big woman at the age of forty four she should not be getting herself into such situations. Funny thing is Bobby’s mum had this expression where she would turn up her nose and mouth in disgust, her scrawny face sour as if to say ‘Well I’m going to leave them to it as long as it is not my child. The Lord will deal with her’.
Bobby’s sister Christina was lovely we got on well. She worked as a social worker and had the cutest two year old little boy who looked nothing like her. She knew that her brother was a dog and always reminded me that I was the best girlfriend that he had brought home, telling me that I had changed him for the better. Little did she know that things had not really changed at all! It was just all one big performance. Another one of Bobby’s acting roles which he plays in his television dramas. But I opted to keep the peace, I could not tell her the truth. I don’t like to involve other people in our relationship especially his family so I continued to let her think everything was rosy and played my character in the performance of he happy dedicated girlfriend.

Bobby’s mum had a large four bedroom house in Purley with her husband Mathew who was a successful banker. Bobby always used to throw this in my face, boasting that he had grown up in a stable environment and did not grow up on an estate. I hated when he spoke like this, sometimes it would make me feel really low because I had been that ‘estate’ girl. I grew up on poverty stricken North Peckham Estate and I did not know my father until I was in my teens. My mum got pregnant and had two other children with another man, who later also disappeared leaving her to raise us all on her own. Yes we were a stereotypical family from Peckham but I was determined to do something with my life, make better from the torn streets which I had grown up in. Unfortunately my younger brothers failed to think like me. They’re mentalities are totally different, you could say that they are a bit ‘hood’. Twenty one year old Kirk is currently serving time in Her Majesties Prison for gun and drug charges and Kyle was the biggest ‘Shotta’ on the estate, at his tender age of nineteen he did not want to hear anything from anyone. He did not even learn from the example of his older brother. Everyone thought that it would make him wake up and see that that lifestyle was not as glorious as some make it out to be, but Kyle just believes it was a ‘set up’ a scheme which the ‘youngers’ plotted to get ‘Dripsy’ as they called Kirk, off the street. Now he thinks that he has to guard his ‘manor’! I just leave him to it now, I’m fed up of talking to him. He is fully aware of the consequences, he has seen it first hand. Even one of his close friends was shot and killed a few months ago but he still doesn’t learn. It’s so sad. I work with a lot of youths like him and I hear so many stories, but I can’t help my own brothers. They have gone too far.
I make time to visit Kirk every few months, send him money and other needed items. I hate to see him locked up like an animal and he knows that I’m disappointed in him. Everyday I pray that when he eventually gets out on parole he will turn his life around. Especially as he has two children out here, with two different mothers who need their father!
Bobby’s life was more stable, yes indeed it was but I had to remind him every so often that his family was far from perfect and he is the prime example of this.

I bent down and loaded the dirty dishes into the dishwasher with Bobby’s reluctant assistance. He was standing humouring his sisters husband who thought he knew everything and was trying to explain to his mum and sister about Caribbean descendants being lost, not having any identity and blaming the increasing drugs and crime on us. My blood was boiling! That man could chat so much shit. I had to get out of that room, because being the only one in the house who was from Jamaican parentage I would have got ignorant up in there! I decided to hide out in the kitchen trying not to cause a scene due to the fact that I was becoming increasingly offended by the comments. Bobby could see it in my face that I was annoyed and had followed my exit.
We had finished loading the dishes and I rinsed off my hands in the designer sink. I swear his parents were involved in some sort of scam. I don’t know how they afforded such a state of the art house, when she was only a nurse. I knew all those trips to Nigeria were suspicious! I laughed to myself thinking of my stupidity. I saw Booby looking out the kitchen door, checking that no one was nearby, once he was sure that we were alone he decided to try and divert my frustration and anger by kissing my neck. Damn, he knew I loved that. He began working his way up to my ear lobes slowly. My tension slowly fading away.
“Stop. What are you doing?” I interrupted, moving my neck away.
“Nothing. It feels nice doesn’t it?”
I mumbled in agreement, succumbing to the feeling as I gave him back my neck.
“Come follow me up stairs quickly” He whispered, taking hold of my left hand.
I looked up at him shocked. Oh my gosh, Bobby was playing with fire and I liked it. It was exciting. We sneaked up the back set of stairs and went into the large guest bathroom, locking the door behind us. We were acting like two naughty teens hiding from our parents. He was horny and I could feel his bulge through his jeans as he pressed me against his groin eagerly. We began kissing passionately. We haven’t kissed like this for ages, the more he held me tighter the more I wanted him. He fondled with my dress attempting to take off my panties. As soon as he succeeded I unzipped his zip and he spun me around and leaned me up against the clean white sink while he inserted me from behind with a huge thrust. He felt so good, I needed this. As he entered deeper, he began making a groaning noise. I think he forgot where we were. I tried to tell him to shush, which failed so I took my hand and placed it over his mouth. Through all the excitement he thrusted deeper and deeper until we both climaxed.
Sometimes the quickies were the best sexual moments you have, sometimes it was well needed to bring the spark back into the relationship and today it had worked for us.
He slowly pulled out while he kissed me all over my cheeks and neck, cleaning himself up with the wipes under the bathroom cabinet. After we both cleaned up we discreetly went back downstairs with a cheeky grin on our face holding hands, like nothing happened. When we entered the living room I saw his sister give me a smile which said ‘Yeah, I know what you two were up to’. Right now I didn’t care, I was uplifted. I was satisfied. Bobby and I had not had sex since the first week he moved back in. The passion was dead, which was partly due to my anger with him and the decisions he had made. But now it was back!

We travelled the thirty-five minute drive back home with huge smiles on our faces; the ten minutes in his parent’s bathroom had changed our feelings for the better.
When we reached back into our house I began to tidy up while Bobby sat practicing the script for the new drama series he was scheduled to play. He had landed the role of an aspiring footballer who was torn between the streets and his dreams. I hated when Bobby took such stereotypical roles, but he always assured me that some recognition was better than none at all. I guess he was sort of right, it could lead to bigger roles. Hollywood as he had hoped.
Since Bobby moved into the flat I had failed to give it the through attention it needed, it was well in desperate need of a clean. It still looked disorganised no matter how many times I tried to organise his stuff, he still had bits all over the place. This cleaning venture was a way for me to find a home for all of them, well a corner or cupboard to squash them into. I dusted, polished and swept the flat down, which took me two solid hours. The whole time bobby did nothing but watch. He thought it was better that way because he would just get in my way.
Once I finished wiping down the kitchen floors, I wiped my brow and decided that enough was enough. I needed a break. The first thought that sprung into my mind was to go to the gym and have a nice relaxing session in the sauna. As the vision of me relaxing played through my mind I escaped into the bedroom to change into my gym clothes.
“Babes, I’m going to go down to the gym. So, you can have some time to recite your lines. I will be back in a little while”
“Okay, baby. Be good” He said peering over his script.
“I should be telling you that babes!”
I gave Bobby a quick kiss on his succulent full lips and grabbed my gym bag out of the cupboard by the front door, which I had to pull out from the many boxes of Bobby’s crap. I picked up the car keys and walked out the door, onto the landing and down the steps of the flat, through the communal door.

Once outside I felt refreshed. I took a breath of the fresh air, reached into the pocket of my tracksuit bottom and took out my mobile phone to give Janet a call hoping that she would join me. As I dialled her number I walked to the car parked in our allocated bay. We had allocated residents parking which was a joke sometimes, because you would come home to find someone had parked their car in your space. I was fed up with that happening so I adopted the routine that I would park my car in front of the culprit and block them in. Leaving them to beep their horn and wait for me to move my car. Equal inconvenience!
I unlocked the car, opened the door and got in with my phone on my right ear waiting for an answer.
“Hey Kesh. What’s up?”
“I'm just on my way to the gym. You fancy joining me?”
“Well, I’m not doing anything at the moment, this can wait. So okay”
“Alright I’m going to come for you now”
I hated going to the gym by myself as it meant that I would have to engage in small talk with other regulars and discuss things that I was not really interested in. It did have its benefits thou, for example you would hear about the staff members who were dating the members or having ‘relations’ with them and where. It was a raunchy world out there!
My feet couldn’t even touch the pedals because of Bobby’s long legs. We often shared cars, but his BMW 3 series was currently at the garage receiving a service. It was nice to have the variety at times as it was noticeable difference from my 1999 Audi A3. I just thrived on the automatic/ triptronic gearbox, I loved being able to just put my foot down and go instead of fiddling with gears. It was a nice break.
I started the engine and pushed the stick into reverse, slowly backing out of the parking space, past Mrs Wilmore’s red Grand Cherokee and out onto the main road. Weaving through the back streets it only took me ten minutes to get to Janet’s. I pulled up outside her house beeping my horn for her to come out, noticing her peer from the curtain. Her street was nice and quite, looking like a miniature suburb. Full of detached houses, with driveways and beautifully manicured gardens. A rear sight nowadays in this area.
Two minutes later, Janet appeared at the front door with her gym bag on her shoulder wearing her black Nike tracksuit.
“Hey, lets go”
We took the short drive to the gym and parked up, finding a good space today. Normally finding parking was a nightmare, it seemed as though everyone came to this gym, although I rarely saw anyone who I knew.

We walked into the deserted foyer swiping our membership cards through the barriers. Once inside we proceeded to the female locker room and locked away our belongings. Placing our membership card against the locker to secure its safety.

We entered the busy gym and spotted two free machines so we decided to do a short cardio workout before hitting the sauna. Sweat dripped down Janet’s face as she pushed herself on the rowing machine, while I ran at a steady pace on the running machine conscious of my aching bones following the extensive cleaning routine I recently conducted. I casually looked around, suddenly noticing a familiar reflection in the mirror in front of me. I turned around and looked to my far left absorbing the tall, muscled body which was dressed in a tight white vest and black tracksuit bottoms, his locks were all tied back in a ponytail. I could recognise the back of that frame any day! I gasped, what was he doing here? I swiftly turned away to look at my reflection to ensure that I was looking presentable, which was not the case. Sweat was dripping down my face, my black head tie holding my hair off my face and no make up! Damn, he may not even recognise me, let alone remember our convo. I continued working out on the machine, pretending not to notice him, glancing out of the corner of my eye every few seconds to see what he was doing. I wanted to alert Janet to the new wonder at the gym, but she had moved to a machine at the far end. Suddenly he stepped away from the weights, leaving it to the skinny underfed young white boy waiting and briskly started to walk towards the empty machines beside me, drying his sweat with his black towel. My eyes never left his sight as I secretly watched him through the mirror, hoping that he would come my way. I quickly turned, hoping that he didn’t notice me staring. He stopped at the empty machine beside mine, failing to notice me while he preceded his work out, placing his water in the holder. Slowly he worked up his pace.
There came the glance, followed by a double take. Finally.
“Hey! I know you from somewhere, don’t I?” He questioned, with his brow forming a confused state.
“Erm, I don’t know. You do look kind of familiar” Yes I well and truly knew who he was, I just did not want to act like I was desperate out here, like he has been on my mind ever since we met. So I continued to play the guessing game for the next few minutes until he finally remembered where he knew me from.
“That’s it. You were down at the Velvet Café the other week. Yeah, with a group of other beautiful women”
“Yes, I was…Oh yeah! You’re… the musician” I said convincingly.
“Yeah. Funny to see you here. It must be fate!”
“Wow. It must be. What are the odds of this?” I said flirtatiously. “How have you been anyway?”
“I've been okay. And yourself?”
“Well, I’ve been good. I can’t really complain” I was trying to act casual while pretending to concentrate on my workout and look sexy at the same time.
“You work out here a lot?”
“Yeah, I’m a regular here. Work out like three times per week. Surprised I haven’t noticed you here before.” I queried.
“Well I’ve been so busy lately. I haven’t really had time to attend the gym. But today I decided I must make the time”.
“Good thing you did or I may not have had the pleasure of seeing you again”
Wow, I can’t believe Kamarni was here, at my gym! He was sure wearing the hell out of that tight white cotton vest. Like heck he hasn’t been to the gym in ages. His body sure shows otherwise, it was so toned and defined. I released a breath, he looked like he did at least five hundred press ups a day!
I slowed down my machine. “So how’s your music going? Have you performed anywhere recently?”
“Yeah. I have this regular spot down at Marshals on a Tuesday night, that’s pretty good. I'm getting a lot of feedback from that”
“So you’re a big star then. The ladies must surely love you”
“Nah. Not really. I just go and do my thing. I'm not interested in the groupies. I'm too old for that now. I just play because I love it. I love the feeling it gives to other people. You know!”
If only he knew what kind of feelings it had evoked in me that night and how I could listen to him all night long! “That’s good. You know, you’ve got some really good talent. You can go really far. So have you got a recording contract?”
“Nah, not really. Don’t really like the idea. I just like doing the little small things, you know. You get a recording contract, and they want to change you. They want to change your style and mould you into something commercial. I'm not really down for something like that!”
“I understand, a lot of musicians lose their roots when they go commercial”
We had a connection; I could feel it pulling from my body as we spoke. He was so sexy. I watched his lips as he told me about his inspiration for writing. Damn, he licked his lips just like Morris Chestnut. I loved talking with this man; he made me feel so relaxed, yet shy. Here we were working out together, talking like it was meant to be today. After a further ten minutes passed my body was becoming hot and my heart rate increasing, causing me to take frequent sips on my water. I don’t know if it was the exercise or being next to Kamarni which was making me so hot. He was running like he was a pro at it. I could tell he had a lot of stamina and endurance!
I caught myself staring at him in the mirror, looking too intensely at his body as he ran, his muscles in his arm flexing with every stride, his firm chest standing to attention with every pace. Wow! My observation was interrupted…
“Here you are girl”
“Hey Janet. Look who is here. You remember Kamarni don’t you? From the Velvet Café the other week?”
“Yes I do. How are you?” She asked inquisitively, wearing her white towel around her neck.
“I'm… fine thanks… just trying to… keep fit and burn some calories”
“Well from here it doesn’t look as though you should have such a hard time” Responded Janet.
We all laughed. I watched on as Janet secretly looked him up and down, discretely checking out his every asset under his lose tracksuit bottoms and tight white vest. And why not, he was one good looking man! She must have sensed that she was spoiling my vibes, deciding to retreat to the abs machine. Kamarni slowly reduced the pace of his machine, until it finally stopped. He reached to the drink holder and took a long sip of his Evian Water. How I wished that I were that bottle right now. I watched the condensation from the melted ice drip down his right arm, slowly running and enchantingly teasing me.
“I love the feeling after a long… hard workout. How about you?”
His emphasised words uttered passion and sensuality. I could hear the seduction in his tone, reading the innuendos between his words. Yes I would love to have a personal work out with you too!
“Yeah. It makes me feel so relaxed, you know… I’m able to let myself go and pay attention to the areas which haven’t been worked on for a while”
“Yeah. I hear that! So… Keshia…”
He remembered my name!
“Tell me more about yourself, what do you do for a living?”
We walked over to the benches like two old friends reminiscing as I began to explain. “Well I work for a company called ‘Urban solutions’ where I help to arrange fundraising events for under privileged and socially excluded youths”
“Sounds interesting”
“Yeah it is. I enjoy it. You know, giving something back to the youths”
He shook his head in agreement. “I hear that. They need some guidance out here”
“What about yourself, what else do you do for a living besides playing music to please others?”
“Well I am actually career hoping at the moment. By day I am a delivery driver, used to be a market researcher but got bored so here I am”
“You know. I'm actually working on this next project of mine. Called the ‘Big Brother sponsorship’ and you would make a great mentor for one of our young black boys”. Bingo! This was a way for me to slyly get his number. Please say yes. Please say yes!
He laughed before answering my question.
“You know, you’re good. I can see that you must be a prized possession for your company”
“Well, you know how it is. Come on you would be good at it. You will only need to spend a few hours per week with one of our boys. Let him see what it is like to have drive and ambition, to be somebody other than a drug dealer or a gun wielding rapper”
“Okay. As you put it like that. Sure. I will sign up”
“Great. I will get your number from you before you leave”
Yes. I had done it. I had successfully coached Kamarni into giving me his number. Well it wasn’t actually all lies. I was actually planning on doing a mentoring programme, but the project had not yet been approved by senior management. But it will be. Definitely now!

We continued to sit and talk on the exercise bikes, sharing small parts of our lives with one another as the rest of the sweaty gym worked out we laughed. We joked. We even doubled up as gym partners on the weights. I stood over his mahogany shimmering body encouraging him to do five more lifts of the 135kg weights. While he continued his sets I scanned the gym looking for Janet, conscious that I had been basically ignoring her for my own selfish reasons. I noticed her over in the corner talking to one of the other female regulars we normally see in here. Debbie was her name. She was a charcoal coloured completion with a long pointy nose, which reminded me of my French teacher at school. Man, she was funny. She was wearing leopard print leggings and a tight black vest with her huge titties struggling not to jump out and say hello. I don’t know how she can even think to attend the gym looking like that. What kind of workout can she actually do in that get up! You have to laugh!
Kamarni, finished his last set and suggested that we go to the sauna. How would I cope in a hot steamy room with this man, controlling the tigress within, stopping her from leaping out at him! I need to bring Janet along. Yes she would be my restraint. He followed as we went over to get her, walking past the used gym equipment and towards the workout mats before spotting Janet doing squats with Debbie.
“Jay, you ready to go in the Sauna?”
“Hey Keshia girl. Who is this fine brotha?” Debbie said in her loud fake American accent.
Wow she was quick on the mark. Her eyes were all over ‘My’ Kamarni.
“Well this is my friend Kamarni. Kamarni meet Debbie”
They shook hands. Debbie holding on as long as she could, caressing his soft firm hands. Okay bitch let go! I was being all territorial towards something which was not even mine yet! Calm down Kesh!
She finally released her grip and let his hand slide out of her palm. Before Janet could answer Debbie jumped in and invited herself to the sauna with us. I looked at Janet, who looked back at me, then we both looked at Kamarni quickly. He had this puzzled expression on his face, like he had just seen the Prime Minister pumping weights. He clearly did not understand why we were hesitant about Debbie coming into the sauna with us. But he soon found out…
Janet grabbed her cotton towel, while Debbie picked up her water bottle desperately trying to seduce Kamarni’s body with her large watermelons. I shot her a look, which stated ‘don’t even think about it’. I could see what she was thinking and what she was planning was not in my game plan.
We all walked through the air conditioned corridor, past the swimming pool which was filled with swimmers performing various techniques in the warm, chlorine filled water. As we were walking Kamarni gestured with his head to two young guys casually walking through the complex. Debbie recognised the tall mixed race one sporting an old school high top. He looked like a washed out wannabe player. She exchanged a brief hello with him as he undressed her with his eyes which wasn’t hard considering that she hardly had on any clothes. Err!
We stopped at the changing room to strip off into our swimsuits. Debbie of course changed into the skimpiest zebra print swimsuit. She loved to show her best assets to the fullest. Her breast were double F’s, all natural which she constantly reminded us of every time we saw her. I changed into a simple black swimsuit which was low cut at the front. Nothing special. I looked in the mirror quickly, conscious that my flesh would be on display to the sexy musician. Good no visible marks. Only the sight of my footprint tattoos on my right ankle. Janet wore an army green tankini, with her hair tied up in a towelled head wrap. Finally ready we walked out into the open, holding our towels, ready to go and steam all our aches and stresses away.
We reached the sauna and Kamarni was waiting outside. Damn… all three of us stopped in ore. I had to lick my lips. He had on blue Addidas shorts exposing his bare chest which was even better than I visioned. Where had this Black Pharaoh come from, he was beyond what I had ever imagined. He had a perfect toned complexion, not a blemish in sight. I had a thing for tattoos and he had a few, I looked on admiring his upper left breast with a Lion scratching out his claw. Following his sexiness I saw another one on his upper left arm of a Crucifix and the words- ‘Only God can judge me’, decorating his right upper arm was Chinese writing. His muscles bulged making the tattoos appear larger. Breathe.

He held open the heavy steamed glass door for us to enter. Thankfully it was not too packed, only two other ladies filled the room. They both looked like they were in a world of their own, minding their own business taking advantage of the steam, heat and blissful silence. The lady lying on the top deck was in her early 20’s, reading the latest copy of Essence magazine. She was showing off her assets wearing a pink and white striped bikini. With her perfectly toned flat stomach on display, complimenting her cubic zirconia silver belly piercing. I caught Kamarni glancing over at her but quickly retreating remembering he had company. The other woman was older; her head was invaded by grey hair which was placed in a bun at the top of her head. Janet and I both had to laugh as she had her flowery towel wrapped around her, with a plastic steam cap on her head. She did not care about her presentation. Even in the company of a fine brotha like Kamarni. Why should she, she was sporting a very heavy diamond cut ring on her wedding finger. Only the three of us looked like desperate potential girlfriends, admiring Gods finest creation. Even the young girl had to look twice and push out her chest a little further, hoping to draw some attention. She looked as though she was used to receiving daily compliments. We occupied seats on the nearest benches we could find, Debbie rushing past me to grab a seat near to Kamarni. This was like a fight for the last snatch of Zebra in an African Jungle. She was out to capture my prey. Janet and I shared a glance and shook our heads. We took our towels and placed them on our space on the wooden benches, lying down on them casually. Debbie got up and poured more water on the hot stones which occupied the left corner of the medium wooden based room. Hot steam rose instantly. She sat back down, complimenting Kamarni’s physique trying desperately for a compliment in return. Ignoring her desperations we passed time discussing the latest song by R. Kelly and the sexual accusations he was facing. Debbie was all in Kamarni’s face and you could see that he felt uncomfortable. The young girl got up and left the room, unsatisfied that she did not get any formal recognition. Kamarni took his cue and rose up, adjusting his composure he walked over to the corner of the room and relocated himself beside me, changing the conversation swiftly.
Being all hot and sweaty next to Kamarni was heavenly. Although we were not in the type of situation I would have liked us to be in, it was nice. I wanted this man. He was intriguing and sexy. I wanted to know more. We all sat there for the next ten minutes laughing and joking. He had a wicked sense of humour. Everyone was laughing, even the older lady was engrossed in our conversation and was laughing along with us.
Time had passed and Janet made the first move to get up and out. The heat was becoming unbearable. So we all took that as our cue and decided to finally exit as the room became occupied with a few other members.
Once outside the sauna, we said our goodbyes knowing that the time we had shared had come to an end. We would all go and shower, change and return back to our lives outside of the gym. Back to normality. As we stood outside of the sauna I was subconsciously waiting on Kamarni to make the first move. He looked at me, discreetly giving me the once up and down while doing his Morris Chestnut impression. Yes, this was my moment. I felt the mutual attraction. The sparks which flew between us. Janet and Debbie had already retuned to the lockers. It was just the two of us in the corridor. He lent forward, I could feel his warm breath touch my cheek and he whispered in my ear…
“So how are we going to do this then?”
My heart stopped. Was he offering me an indecent proposal, here in the gym or was I imagining it. Reading too much into his words? “Do what?” I stuttered, feeling all flustered.
“How are you going to get my number? You’re going to have to wait for me to get changed”
“Oh…yeah… I nearly forgot, my mind was else where.” Somewhere wrapped up in silk sheets with you! “Meet me by the front desk after you change”
I watched as he walked off into the men’s changing area. I can’t get over how sexy he was. Where has he been all my life! Why didn’t I meet him before I met Bobby!

Twenty minutes later and I was waiting outside at the front desk. I had to give Janet a quick briefing why we were waiting for Kamarni and as expected she gave me the first degree, trying to plug me for more information. I told her how it was. He was helping me with my latest project and wanted to be a mentor for the youths. Of course she didn’t believe that was my main motive. Janet could read me like a book sometimes. She knew that I was gaming for Kamarni and knew that I was looking him and looking him hard! She turned and looked at me seriously, warning me that I should be careful, before it ended in tears. Please! It wont, well at least it will not be me shedding the tears.
Kamarni came walking out of the distance and through the barriers. He had put on dark denim jeans and a stone coloured Timberland jumper, his platinum chain hanging down his chest complementing a custom made diamond studded guitar pendant. He walked up to us with a smile on his face, apologising for keeping us waiting, explaining that one of the guys were talking to him about training together which he dismissed.
He looked at his Armarni watch and moved his bag on his right shoulder a little higher. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, placed it in my hand and then made a very impressive attempt at the seductive biting of the lip. He looked dead into my eye, ensuring that our gaze was engaged and spoke to me with the softest sound of an Angel.
“Make sure you call me… Right sorry but I’ve got to rush. You ladies drive safe, and take care of yourselves. We should do it again sometime.”
Yes we should and sooner than later, I thought! We exchanged kisses on the cheek and quick goodbyes before he rushed out of the gym leaving me and Janet conferring to ourselves. We picked our bags off the floor, said goodbye to the reception staff and walked out the automatic doors to the car. As we began to walk I caught a glimpse of Kamarni driving out of the parking lot in a black Volkswagen Golf. As he saw me, he slanted his head and gave me a wink as he sped by. Janet turned and looked at me suspiciously.
“Okay. Now give me the real low-down”
She looked at me with her intrigued brown eyes, ready to hear what I had planned for Kamarni. I wanted to tell her but there was nothing much really to say at this moment. I mean all we did was have a little work out together. Yeah I got his number, but that was on a business basis not yet pleasure!

While we drove to Janet’s, I explained the attraction which I had towards Kamarni. The sparks which I felt and the sexual tension which was obvious as we worked out together.
“Wow. Kesh you are such trouble. I must admit he is one fine brother, but you got Bobby. I thought you two were working things out?”
“Yeah we are. But Jay, it just doesn’t feel right anymore. I mean I know he’s still doing the same shit. Still talking with that bitch Shanny, and believe me I am not NO fool!”
“Yeah, but Kesh two wrongs don’t make a right. Think about it first”
“I have. Look nothing is going to happen. I've just got mad lust for Kamarni, like every other woman with eyes. Come on, he is so sexy. You can’t blame me”
“Yeah I can’t blame you. But just be careful. Don’t get yourself into anything you can’t easily get out of”
Here she goes with her ‘better than thou’ reasoning. I'm a grown woman. I've got to keep my options open.

I dropped Janet off at her house and gave her an excuse for not coming in for a drink. I had enough of her talking me out of Kamarni. As she climbed out the car and shut the door behind her, I reached into my pocket and took out the piece of newspaper Kamarni had written his number on. I looked at it, smiled to myself and then put the number back into my tracksuit pocket, patting it to ensure its safety and proud of myself that I had managed to obtain it. I gathered my thoughts, pushed my foot down on the clutch, slipped into first gear and drove off home.


  1. OMG that was soooo good! And Kamarni sounds soooo sexy like a cross between Morris Chestnut and that model/actor in Jennifer Hudson's 'Spotlight' video. My ideal man um um UM! lol keep up the good work this is getting interesting.

  2. Feels like I waited months for this chapter and you didn't disappoint!! Getting better and better, can't wait till the next chapter.. Keep it up!
