Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Chapter Seventeen- Janet

We walked through the smokers outside enjoying their nicotine and into the packed bar on Ealing Broadway, scanning the large dimly lit room to find the bar. It seemed like there was a good crowd in here tonight.

I looked to my left as we moved carefully between people swaying to the music. I spotted Kamarni across the dark room talking to a large framed white man in a white shirt, looking like age and stress had taken its toll on his wrinkled skin. You could tell at the sight of him that he was trying as hard as he could to hold on to the little remaining youth he still had. Within seconds Keshia noticed Kamarni with the aged man and began walking over to him with no hesitation, swinging her hips to the rhythm of the tune which was playing, abandoning me and Leyah to continue our path towards the bar. At the same time as we continued to slip through the crowd a hard faced man pulled on Leyah’s arm hoping that she would take him up on his advances. He stood holding his bottle of Dom Perignon Champagne on full display of her vision, looking her up and down thinking she was one of those shallow girls who followed the smell of money. A pretentious woman. Well he was sure wrong, because she shocked him by shrugging him off not even acknowledging his rudeness and continuing beside me on our route. We finally made it to the bar, squeezing our way towards the counter and waited to order our drinks.

I scanned the room and noticed that there sure were some fine men in here tonight. There were the ‘Pretty boys’, with their perfectly lined haircuts, slick suits with not a crease in sight. Drinking brandy and talking to either the blonde haired white girls or the black Barbie dolls, both of which wore less clothes then Pamala Anderson and matched her with their cosmetically modified breasts on full display. Then there were the ‘Nigerian posse’, they were there flossing with their drinks and ordering everything at the bar. Trying to expose that they had money to burn. Attracting all the Gold diggers. The girls that wanted to have a good time and did not care at the cost. Wanting to be the centre of someone’s attraction tonight no matter how unattractive their taker was. They are the girls who were unwilling to put their hand in their purses at any point tonight, they were the willing takers and the Nigerian guys made sure that they would floss as much as they could to them. Across the other side of the room were the ‘Geeks’, the guys that came out trying their luck at finding a nice pretty lady. Ones who didn’t care that they could not hold a general conversation or approach women, but hoping that they would find one who would be interested in quantum physics and technical terminology for the most simplest things. And of course you had the ‘Shottas’ the ‘Flossers’ the ‘Thugs’ sporting huge heavy platinum chains, fat chops, diamond cut earrings and numerous gold teeth. Wearing the latest clothes and trousers half way down the backside, exposing the colour of their designer boxers to all! Observing the different types of people was comical. It was interesting but scary at the lack of quality which men possess out here for us unfortunate single women.

I collected my thoughts which were now plagued with the thought of ending up with one of these useless ‘playing’ men for the rest of my life, then I caught view of a nice group of four guys standing over at the other corner of the bar, engrossed in conversation, not worrying about the girls that were dancing in front of them to the sounds of Dwele. One of the guys caught my eye and was looking over at me, well I thought he was, but it could have well been the girl behind me wearing the shortest dress I had ever seen and a full head of curly long weave. I turned my head subtly as I noticed him definitely smiling in my direction as the lights from the bar lit up his face. I pretended that I didn’t notice him as Keshia came towards me walking through a group of young women doing a two step, eventually blocking eye contact between us, unknowingly rescuing me from this uncomfortable situation. She weaved her way through the masses of people to get closer to us and accidentally bumped into a girl wearing a blonde weave that had just paid for her drinks, spilling a few drops of her beverage onto the floor. The young girl turned around angry wearing a little pink frilly frock which clashed with her hair. Clearly unhappy that her drink had spilt she gave Keshia a menacing look, acting like she wanted to start a war right there ready to cause a scene. Keshia politely ignored by uttering sorry and continued to join us as blondie stood there cursing to her friend. I was glad for Keshia’s reaction as I was not able for a car fight tonight!
“Kamarni said hi. He’s reserved us a table in the VIP area” Keshia said all hyped.
“Oh lovely, where is he?” I shouted over the loud music.
“He is just over there talking to a few people. He should be starting soon. Look at him he looks so fine tonight” As Keshia spoke her words betrayed her relationship which she had with Bobby. The lust in her voice exposing her true desire for Kamarni and the look in her eyes blatantly undressed him as he stood unsuspectingly.
“Behave. I thought you were just friends?”
“Yeah, we are. Can’t I look and imagine?”
“Well as long as that’s all that you are doing!”
I looked up as one of the bar staff finally came towards me awaiting our order. I was temporarily mesmerized as he had a glowing golden Mediterranean complexion, with a full head of curly dark hair and large well kept hands. He looked like he should be a model not a bar tender. Leyah ordered a bottle of Rosé wine, waking me out of my daze. I reached into my handbag and took out a twenty pound note to pay as it was my turn to buy the first round. Leaving a generous tip the bar man thanked me with his wide pearly white smile, if only I was a little younger he would have my number right now!

We weaved our way back through the crowd and towards Kamarni who was waiting for us in the small V.I.P section. He was stood looking uncomfortable talking to a middle-aged woman wearing a pair of Denim shorts and a little cream top which showed her heavy boobs. He looked relieved when he spotted us in the distance walking in his direction, like he was waiting for the conversation to be interrupted. It was evident that the lady was trying her luck at getting his number, unfortunately she retreated unsuccessful and to the scornful glare of Keshia.
I laughed as Kamarni uttered thank you and ushered us to sit down on the soft brown leather seats. As we passed him Leyah and I said hello and gave him a friendly greeting of a kiss on the cheek, captured by his sweet smelling aftershave that stole the surrounding air.

We had ventured down to West London tonight to hear Kamarni perform at the Priory as it was their special Soulful sound night and he was the headlining act. I observed the packed venue which was filled with all types of people. It was nice to see people sharing a different environment away from the sweaty stuffy raves where you were guaranteed to see the usual suspects.
We placed our drinks on the table as we all moved to the soulful sound of Jill Scott. Keshia had grabbed Kamarni onto the dance floor and was teasing him seductively with her dance moves. Jealous eyes were piercing through the dimmed lighting but I was in full view of one group of women who were focusing on her, watching closely with daggers. They must have been real loyal fans because if looks could kill Keshia would be dead three times over! I nudged Leyah and pointed it out to her and watched her giggled remembering the old days when it used to be us giving out the dagger looks for fun. We turned away and continued to sway and enjoy the music in the company of one another, feeling the lyrics echo through the room and the people feeding off the mellow sounds. The music faded and Kamarni let loose of Keshia’s waist whispering something into her ear before disappearing into the crowd towards the back of the stage area.
Shortly after bright spotlights beamed on the stage, exposing a pretty dark skinned woman wearing a tight green and white flower wrap dress and an afro hairstyle stood with a microphone in her hand. As she familiarised herself with the stage she silenced the crowd and began to introduce the night, thanking people for their continued support. Once she had got full attention of the crowd she proceeded to introduce Kamarni which was overwhelmed with the cheers and applause from the lively audience. It was like he was Jay-Z getting ready to perform his biggest hits. It was amazing. You could see Kamarni was feeding off the crowd, happy to witness the response. I looked over at Keshia and could see that she was doing the same, like she was Beyoncé watching her man go out on the stage and please the crowd.
Kamarni started by performing a remixed acapella version for the cover of ‘Sweet Lady’ with his guitar in his hand. He continued by playing some more soulful songs which he had written. The crowd loved him. His voice was soothing like a southern humming bird. Throughout his performance he was looking over at Keshia, making sure that she felt his every word. Trapping her in his web of fantasies and romance. Leaving her bathing in the seduction. Feeling like she was the only one which mattered. Every woman dreamed of having a romantic attentive man and Kamarni was executing that with precision tonight, like he was sculpting a perfect ice sculpture. Moulding it to how he wanted it to be, watching the ice melt in his hands, dripping in the basking heat.

He had finished his performance, leaving the stage enduring loud applauses and screams. We stroked his ego even more by telling him how good he was and hugging him. Thing is that he was really, exceptionally good. He had been blessed with an amazing talent and he was using it to his advantage. The women loved him and the guys looked on with blank expressions wanting to be him. Slowly the music came back on and I surrendered back to dancing wanting to make sure that I fully enjoyed my night. I let the lyrics take me to another place allowing my body to sway to the rhythm. Suddenly I felt this hand touch me, I turned around thinking that it must be Leyah but to my surprise I was greeted face to face by a tall medium built man, recognising him as the guy who was looking over at me by bar earlier. He was about six foot, wearing a white shirt with the two top buttons undone and black jeans.
“Hi there princess, how you doing? You’re looking really nice tonight. You must be complimenting your man nuff tonight”
I expressed my slight amusement “Actually I’m here with my girls”
“Okay, so your husband is at home I take it?”
“Not exactly”
“So therefore I take it its okay for me to offer you a drink, as a platonic gesture of course?”
Wow, this guy was forward at getting the answers he needed and he was making me smile. That was a first. “Errm, well...”
He turned and looked at our table. “Can I offer your friends a drink also, because you all looking stunning tonight”
“Well actually… errrm….”
Before I could answer Keshia stepped in and answered for us.
“Yes, we will have a bottle of Rosé please”
“A bottle of Rosé, that’s fine. Is that for all of you or would anyone like anything different?”
“That’s fine thank you” I rushed, before Keshia could make any more orders.
He directed his words at me, while stretching out his hand for me to shake. “Sorry for being rude, and your name is?”
I smiled and answered, as I did he held my hand in his soft palms which complimented him as someone who was well groomed.
“And I am Michael Mensa”
I smiled. “Hi Michael, this is Leyah and Keshia”
“Hi, nice to meet you ladies. I hope that you are all having a nice evening. Hold on I’ll be back, let me go and get your drinks”
He walked off towards the bar while we all watched him move his slender body through the crowd. I must admit that he looked good and smelt even better. We stood there and conferred amongst ourselves about our first impressions of him.
“Oohh, he’s cute”
“Nah, to tall for me”
“What are you talking about, too tall? He dresses well though!”
“At least he has manners. How many men do you know these days that offer to buy you and your friends drinks?”
“That’s true. I must admit he has some lyrics on him”
“We need to come down to West London more often. South brothers don’t have it going on like this!”
We all laughed, knowing that it was true. These days you’re lucky if a man even offered to hold your glass if you went to the ladies! I spotted Michael walking back towards us, stopping to talk to a guy who he appeared to know who looked very simple in a green T-shirt and a pair of stone washed jeans. I frowned as it did not look like he had not made much of an effort to come out tonight. Must have a woman waiting for him at home!
Michael walked towards us with the simple guy in tow. As he reached our table he introduced him.
“Ladies this is Jermaine, he is one of the resident DJ’s here, DJ Skeelo and this is Janet… Keshia and… Leyah” We all smiled and waved politely.
I thought to myself, wow how did he remember all our names so quick. This guy was smooth.
“Oh okay. So was that you playing earlier?” Leyah questioned.
“Yeah. Did you enjoy it?”
“Yeah. You played some really good songs, you don’t really hear them out in clubs anymore” Leyah knew a lot about music, that was her favourite past time. She knew every form of genre, every artist and every song. All she had to do was hear the first five seconds of a tune and she would be able to name it. For the next twenty minutes she engaged in a short conversation with DJ Skeelo and got a few names of the artists which he played exclusively earlier tonight. He handed her a business card and promised that he would send her an exclusive mix CD. I know that must have made Leyah’s night. DJ Skeelo approached Michael and informed him that he had to disperse to go and do his set. As he did he said goodbye and directed a dazzling smile at Leyah exposing his perfectly straight teeth, he touched Michael with fists then made his exit.

“Alright Ladies, I’m going to have to join my friends as I’m being unsociable. I will catch up with you later during the night.”
Micheal finished his sentence and looked at me, focusing his words at me he seductively whispered in my ear as his hot breath shot down my neck as he spoke. “I will speak to you soon, okay” He gave me a smile from the corner of his mouth as I nodded my head in a silent agreement. Although he was a little corny he made my stomach flutter. Michael retreated back to the corner where I first noticed his presence and rejoined his friends. We all looked at each other, smiling at the outcome of our evening so far.
We continued dancing and enjoying ourselves to the soulful music DJ Skeelo played, when the next song was interrupted by an announcement…
“Yeah. This song has been dedicated to the lovely lady Janet, coming from someone in here who likes your style. Go there girl! ”
I turned to Leyah in shock upon hearing my name as I did I felt the touch of warm breath whisper in my ear “Can I have this dance?” I swung around to my left I saw Michael standing behind me. He had this innocent look on his face which made me smile. I held no resistance and politely accepted his proposal, but before I could finish my words he had turned me around to hold my waist delicately. He held me so close to him that I could smell the familiar scent of Isei Mayaki. I recognised this smell because it was one of my preferred fragrances for men, not as good as Jean Paul Guiltier but it was making the whole scenario so real and sensual as we swayed to the sounds of Raheem Devaughn.
“Are you enjoying yourself tonight?” He questioned.
“Yeah, it’s quite a nice place here. I don’t normally come to places up West London”
“So what brought you out tonight?”
“My girl Keshia. Her friend was the guy singing on stage with the guitar, he invited us”
“Oh, okay. Well, I can always show you a few more nice places around here”
“We will see…I take it you live in West London then?”
“Yeah, I just bought a place in Chiswick”
“Oh okay. Nice area. So what do you do for a living?”
“I'm an accountant for a firm up in the City”
“Oh nice.”
“And yourself?”
“I'm actually a HR Manager for a Media Company”
“So you’re a professional. Where are you based?”
“Our main office is by Chelsea Bridge”
“Nice. So, gathering from your fine figure I take it you’re in the gym often and you have no kids… It’s just an observation.”
I looked up at him puzzled but having to laugh at his comment, where was this guy going with this; He had a cheeky devious smile on his face. What an assumption. A correct one I must add.
“Actually… I try to get to the gym when I can. I'm not there often, my figure just comes naturally” He had a shocked expression on his face. “And for your information I do not have any children as yet. I'm looking the right man to settle down with”
“That’s good, I’m looking for the right woman also”
We both sniggered at his cheesy line and started dancing even closer. He put both of his arms around my waist. I thought to myself, this guy can move but not as good as Marcus. He is cute though and there is something about his persona which intrigues me. I like the way which he is making an effort and it is a positive that he also makes me laugh. The song faded and the mellow sounds of Anthony Hamilton began to play. I could feel him getting lost in the soft beat. Although I was enjoying dancing with him, I couldn’t stop my mind drifting. I was thinking about Marcus. He had been the last person who had touched me so intimately and we had danced close that very night when he was at my house the other week. As Michael held me in his arms, I felt like I had betrayed him. I was thinking about another man, while close with another. I couldn’t help it my mind was consumed by thoughts of Marcus. I had hoped this night would help me to shake off the feelings which I felt for him, help me to forget what I held in my heart but I had failed. Damn it! Let me just get my mind together and concentrate on now!
Michael seemed like a nice guy, he was a dark chocolate complexion, dressed nice, made me laugh, and was confident but soave. I liked this about him, I deliberated in my head and concluded that I wouldn’t mind knowing a bit more about him.

The music changed and I slowly let go of Michael, allowing myself to get some air as my hair had definitely sweated out a little and my little black dress was getting creased. I looked around the nearby people dancing, looking out for my girls. I shortly spotted Kamarni and Keshia. They were slow grinding to the music over on the wall, concealed by the dark. I could swear they were tearing off the paintwork, I could see the bails of sweat on Kamarni’s face and Keshia’s hairstyle had fallen from all the heat. Their bodies conjoined like Siamese twins. Watching them made me remember the parties my parents used to attend when I was little, where all the parents would be slow, slow dancing to the point where it looked like they wasn’t even moving!
I spotted Leyah swaying with a chocolate brown guy, wearing a nice black suit. His look reminded me of Reese for some reason, but I was gad that she was coming out of her shell. Since her date last week she was letting herself go. Letting go of the animosity and contempt which she held towards men and she was smiling more which was a good sign.

It was getting late and the bar was due to shut in ten minutes. The remaining few people took the opportunity to get in their last dances to the slow jams and the geeks tried their last attempts at getting a dance before the night ended.
“So baby girl can I get the pleasure of gracing your company again and fulfilling my promise to show you a few more nice spots in West London?” Micheal stated, holding the small of my frame close so that I could hear him over the music.
I looked up into the dark brown pools of his eyes and analysed his request.
I casually replied “Sure, why not”
Michael reached into his jean pocket and took out his iPhone. I looked at it doubtfully and wondered if I should actually give him my number or take his. I decided against my normal procedure and tapped my number into his phone discreetly. I didn’t want on lookers to think that I had purposely come out to find a man in a bar tonight, like the lonely heart which I was. I finished typing my number and handed him back the phone, he looked at it and then back at me testing that I had given him the correct number then he typed in my name and pressed save. He leaned closer and gave me a light peck on my cheek with his wet lips, before vowing the night goodbye. I responded by giving him a slight smile as he stepped back.
“Goodnight princess. I will call you”
“Okay. Night”
Michael walked towards the exit to catch up with his friends. He looked back as he neared the door not wanting to leave me behind, but knowing that he had to.

Leyah was gathering our jackets and bags from our VIP area while Keshia and Kamarni were acting like there was no one else in the room. They were still grinding against the wall to the last song. I could see the intensity of the dance. The way which they held each other tight revealed the desire they had for each other. Kamarni looked lost in the sounds of the music and the scent of Keshia’s perfume, his head buried deep in her neck. I witnessed him giving her light kisses in that exact place as Keshia squeezed him tighter. They began whining lower and lower, Keshia swaying her bottom from left to right, lower and lower, tantalising the onlookers as Kamarni’s muscular hands exposed what her movements was doing to him by chasing her back in an intense grip. Finally the music stopped and the lights came on. It took Keshia and Kamarni a few seconds to realise that it was closing time and there was no music coming through the speakers. They released each other’s grip and looked around, flustered.
On witnessing that they had finally separated, we rose and watched as Keshia noticed us waiting patiently leading Kamarni over to us by the hand.
“Oh my gosh. Sorry girls”
“It’s my fault. I couldn’t let go of her” Kamarni confessed lightly drying his face from the masses of sweat which he had complied during the intense dance.
“Well, it doesn’t matter. You did what you’re supposed to do. Enjoy yourselves. Now let’s get out of here before they escort us off the premises” I said jokingly.
While we walked towards the exit, Kamarni slowed us down by saying goodnight to a few staff members and the old white guy who he was talking with when we entered the club.
We reached outside, which was still mild and warm, and was bombarded by the flyer touts, handing out invites to their next rave. Most of which landed on the floor a few yards up except for one which was complimented with a CD.
Trying to rush to the car Leyah and I struggled to walk as our feet had given up to the suffering from the heels. As expected Keshia and Kamarni lagged behind arm in arm. As we led the way reflecting on the night Leyah told me all about her Reese look-alike. I was disappointed that she decided not to exchange numbers with him, because he was one sexy fine man but she explained that she did not need another Reese in her life anytime soon and we both knew that she had a radar for men like him!
We arrived at my car and I unlocked the doors and jumped onto the cold leather seats, rushing to start the engine in an attempt to rush Keshia.
“Hey girls, I’m going to get a lift with Kamarni”
Leyah and I looked at each other suspiciously. Yeah we knew this was going to happen. Keshia had hoped it had gone down like this from the beginning. We knew exactly what was on her mind and to be honest neither one of us could really blame her. Kamarni was a fine male specimen and Keshia was right, he looked damn good tonight! Well she is a grown woman, she can do as she likes, who are we to remind her of her morals and commitments which she had consented to with Bobby. I for sure was fed up of reminding her, but Leyah on the other hand was not. Her heart still ached with the pain which Reese had put her through and although Keshia was reversing the perpetrator role it was still the same wrong in Leyah’s eyes.
“Kesh, I don’t think you should be going anywhere with Kamarni tonight. Don’t forget Bobby is waiting for you at home” She whispered trying not to trigger Kamarni’s hearing. “And you need to go home you look like you have had too much too drink, it may effect your sense of judgement”
“Look. I'm fine. Don’t worry about me and definitely don’t worry about B. Nothing is going to happen. Were just going to talk on the way back”
We both sat there unconvinced, but allowed her to make her own decision.
“Well call me as soon as you get back home. Or send a text. I will be waiting”
Keshia nodded to Leyah as she turned and waved goodbye to us. She shut the passenger door and walked towards Kamarni waiting patiently nearby on the curb.
They both watched as we pulled off, driving down the filled streets to make our journey back towards the South of the River.